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About the project owner

Radek Wiśniewski

Radek Wiśniewski

Wroclaw, Poland

Autor, promotor, watażka kulturalny

Send message to the project`s creator

11326 PLN out of 8500 PLN

154 Supporters

Success! Goal reached


Funding model: "flexible funding". Project Creator will receive all the funds even if the project does not reach it's goal. Project ends at 28.09.2019.

Wydanie książki 'Palimpsest Powstanie'

Codziennie cytat z Palimpsestu

Added 19.08.2019, godz. 22:02

Codziennie cytat z książki z tłem Tomasza Bohajedyna tutaj:

Funding model: "flexible funding"

Project Creator will receive all the funds even if the project does not reach it's goal. Project ends at 28.09.2019 22:10