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O projektodawcy




Klaudyna Góralska - charakteryzatorka FX, filmoznawczyni, reżyserka musicalowa, scenarzystka, wykładowczyni i organizatorka wypraw filmowych oraz muzycznych. Niepoprawna marzycielka mająca we krwi zew podróży.

W branży filmowej pracuje od ponad 13 lat,
napisała i wyprodukowała 3 pełnometrażowe musicale sceniczne, oraz kilka mniejszych, organizuje warsztaty, kursy artystyczne, eventy, akcje charytatywne .

Wraz z partnerem prowadzi blog podróżniczy www.buskers.blog.pl

Założycielka Grupy Musicalowej Mandragora facebook.com/GrupaMandragora

Twórczyni cyklu Legendy i Baśnie Północy

Stworzyła studio makijażu wegańskiego

Charakteryzatornię efektów specjalnych https://www.facebook.com/CharakteryzacjaKrakow

Prowadzi stronę poświęconą pomocy zwierzętom www.facebook.com/Ciuchowisko

Napisz wiadomość do Projektodawcy

700 PLN z 10000 PLN

13 Wspierający

Zakończony Cel nie został osiągnięty


Model finansowania: "wszystko albo nic". Aby otrzymać środki, projekt musi osiągnąć minimum 100% finansowania do 09.07.2015.

Legendy i Baśnie Północy - śladami Sagi o Ludziach Lodu


Dziękujemy i zapraszamy na www.facebook.com/GrupaMandrag Dodano 09.07.2015, godz. 20:42

Nie udało się zebrać pełnej kwoty, ale dziękujemy tym, którzy wpłacili - pieniądze wrócą teraz do Was.
Jeśli macie ochotę pomóc, zapraszamy Was do kontaktu mailowego grupamandragora@gmail.com, napiszemy Wam o skróconej wersji podróży i filmu, które i tak zamierzamy zrealizować.

Marzenia są po to, by je spełniać! :)
Dodano: 09.07.2015, 20:42

24 godziny do końca - wpłacisz 25zł na mały cud? Dodano 08.07.2015, godz. 16:17

Nasz projekt polubiło 410 osób na FB, mamy nadzieję, że każda z nich wrzuci teraz od siebie 25zł, a cała wyprawa w pełnej odsłonie dojdzie do skutku!
Zachęcamy i walczymy do ostatniego momentu.
Jeśli się nie uda - nie poddajemy się
- piszcie do nas tak czy inaczej, bo choćbyśmy mieli przez pół roku jeść tynk ze ścian,
to i tak chcemy wyruszyć:)

Każda pomoc się liczy!

A Tym, którzy już pomogli - dziękujemy!!!
Pamiętajcie, że jeśli nie zbierzemy pełnej kwoty, pieniądze wrócą na Wasze konto.

Zapraszamy do kontaktu z nami na www.facebook.com/GrupaMandragora i grupamandragora@gmail.com

Radio Off Kraków już dziś! Slajdowisko w niedzielę! Dodano 03.07.2015, godz. 0:16

Zapraszamy już dziś, w piątek o 13.00 i 13.30 do słuchania nas w Radio Off Kraków! Opowiemy o planie na nasz film, o inspiracjach, a także o zbliżającym się slajdowisku "Legendy i Baśnie Islandii", na które zapraszamy w niedzielę 7.07 o godzinie 19.00, Absynt - Miodowa 28, Kraków!

BY WYPRAWA PRZYNIOSŁA WIĘCEJ DOBRA Dodano 26.06.2015, godz. 11:37

Wspólną cechą Ludzi Lodu, zarówno tych wybranych, jak i dotkniętych była ogromna miłość do zwierząt. Jako córa Ludzi Lodu (przynajmniej duchowa) nie mogłabym być inna. Stąd pomysł, który już zaproponowałam kilku fundacjom:
Jeżeli uda nam się zebrać pieniądze/ zdobyć sponsora - po prostu wyruszyć w 6000km trasy, to fundacje działające na rzecz zwierząt zaprosiliśmy do partnerstwa
- nasza trasa będzie ofertą reklamy dla ich sponsorów, którzy np za 1km, lub 10km ofiarują fundacji czy to 1kg karmy, czy 1zł.
A my w zamian za to zaoferujemy logo na naszym samochodzie, w filmie i na stronach, oraz info w mediach.
Co o tym myślicie? Mamy nadzieję, że uda nam się pomóc tym najbardziej potrzebującym i najwspanialszym, często samotnym, kalekim i chorym stworzeniom.
Tym bardziej proszę Was o zachęcanie do wsparcia naszej trasy i podsyłania informacji o potencjalnych sponsorach:) Razem możemy nakręcić ten film i zrobić dużo, dużo więcej!

Mamy fantastycznego Patrona! Broker Media Dodano 19.06.2015, godz. 20:55

Agencja Marketingu Zintegrowanego Broker Media

Dołączyła do naszych patronów www.brokermedia.pl, która wesprze nas w komunikacji i promocji wydarzenia w mediach i portalach społecznociowych a także pomoże w znalezieniu sponsorów.
Dodatkowo zamieści materiał o nas w swoim kwartlaniku Kultura versus Natura:

O naszym projekcie w Radio KiS! Dodano 16.06.2015, godz. 21:34

Wczoraj, na zaproszenie Dariusza Dłużewskiego mieliśmy przyjemność opowiedzieć o naszej wyprawie w programie Pasjonaci. Jeśli nie udało Wam się posłuchać na żywo - nic straconego - oto link! :) https://www.mixcloud.com/radiokis/pasjonaci-grupa-mandragora/

English version "In the Footsteps of the Legend of Ice People" Dodano 14.06.2015, godz. 23:32

Legends and Tales of the North – In the Footsteps of the Legend of Ice People

Category - Video / Film
We invite you to support our project
"In the footsteps of the Legend of Ice People"
the series of Legends and Tales of the North.
Documentary film on footsteps of saga about Ice people.

Legends and Tales of the North
Denmark - Norway - Sweden 2015

Being fascinated by the work of Margit Sandemo, we decided to use our professions and experience and go on a tour through Denmark, Norway and Sweden to shoot for you a documentary "In the footsteps of the Legend of Ice People".
We will visit most of the important places for Ice People in Scandinavia. We will also show you places that inspired Margit to create the following “Saga” volumes.

Not terrified by any weather, we fix with our own hands everything that we can, even most broken cars. We can hang for hours in most uncomfortable positions just to take a good photo, and to help smaller beings sometimes we even stop the road traffic. We love freedom, wind in our hair, dusty roads and mysterious depths of the sea. Our hearts is the abode of adventure, beauty of the nature, and all the tints of the world, from the bright to the dark ones... exquisite sunset as well as misty morning over a meadow.


Legends and Tales of the North is an artistic film project, that set in Klaudyna's heart
many years ago, when being still a teenager for the first time she read Margit Sandemo's “Saga”. Later on, with the copy of “The Wizard Saga” in her hand she traversed Iceland in search of the valley of Gjáin and the entry to the world of the elves. (And She found it! At least the valley ...)
This longing has resulted in a cycle of film oriented trips tracing the extraordinary legends, fairy tales and stories.
What for? - To share these stories, sights and sounds with the others, to restore their dreams of a magical world, incredibly beautiful and full of adventures!


The tour includes Poland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
Distance: 6000km
Deadline: July / August 2015
Time period: 3 weeks
Editing time - we wish to prepare the full version with sound before the 92 birthday of Margit Sandemo (4/23/2016) to be able to present her the copy of the film as a birthday gift.

On the basis of 47 volumes of the Saga we created a route covering all important for Saga places in the north - both real and those created in the imagination of the writer ... when searching for these latest we got some help from someone who knows the best where the secrets of Ice People can be hidden...
We also want to get to know the local stories told to us by residents, to see if they are aware that their home is the Saga's action background.
The current project is the first part of a larger tour, which will include Iceland as well.

From Poland we will set off to the southern shores of Sweden, visiting the resort of Ramlosa and Copenhagen with its surroundings which are associated with Paladin Dynasty.
The Hirtshals – Bergen route we will make with the modern ferry, along the picturesque fjords. Then we will set towards north.
The furthest point of our trip will be Trondheim. It is where the Saga's action begins. We will also visit the Oslo region, considered the former parish of Grastensholm, the Swedish area of ​Stockholm, Morby.. as well as the less inhabited areas of Dovre. There we will try to find the prototype of the Valley of the Ice People.
Due to our previous expeditions in 2008 and 2015 already do have parts of materials collected from Iceland, including Dimmuborgir where the volume of "Lucifer's Love" begins.
The facts from the tour we will reveal to you over the course of the campaign. Stay tuned!


The amount of 10.000 zloty (2.500 Euro) is the money for the fuel, highway tolls, ferry tickets (Except route Denmark-Norway), part of the fees will go for camping / accommodation.

If we get 170%-200% (about 5000 Euro) our movie might get a quite new perspective!
The professional drone – flying crew from lotna.pl , Karol Iwan and Anna Korniluk, who are masters of shooting from the air and a high-level editing, offered to join our journey, with only the travel cost covered! Karol worked on the british production Short Supply and Indian superproduction Aazaan, as a senior editor and as an assistant for the famous Hollywood editor, Humphrey Dixon.

Check them out!
They have received an award for “Mazury” short movie in Hongkong:

And if we could raise an unexpected, huge amount – well, we'd spend it on the second film made in Iceland! We already have the trailer:)
We are willing to cooperate with the media, publishers and sponsors who are ready to support our project.
We are very happy to accept an invitation from all the Saga's fans and organizations that would like to give us shelter under their roofs, or allow us to open our tents in their premises during the tour Denmark-Norway-Sweden.

We Chose Crowdfounding because we want to make a movie For You – For the people who love traveling, dreams and perhaps are fascinated with Saga, as we are. I know that many of the readers dream of filming the Saga. Maybe with this document we succeed to push this dream into the right direction?

I'm not from Poland, can I also support this project?

Yes! You can support from any place in the world! We use “SEPA” channel, where you can donate in Euro, or you can donate any other currency via Inny/Druczek (remember about possible extra fee from the bank in this case)

How can I donate?
1. You need to create your account on PolakPotrafi.pl – it takes only a minute!
2.Choose our project and pick a perk with the correct amount of money.
a) SEPA channel (Kanał Sepa) in Euro
Choose SEPA/EuroPayments from the list of all channels, and follow the instructions.

b) International payment
1. Choose channel : Druczek płatności/ Inny bank (channel with a yellow trumpet sighn)
2. When the site changes, choose English.
3. Follow the instructions.


Our rewards are something for everyone - from lovable trinkets and gadgets of sentimental value, to a really unusual occasions to participate in workshops, sessions and transformations for people who want to discover and develop their artistic skills. We will start sending the awards on our return (except for participation in the expedition and the postcards).
Did we mention that you can even go with us? Didn't we?
So we say! YOU CAN!! - Take a look on more valuable awards :)

If you don't live in Poland, but still want to support us, let us help you to translate some perks you might be interested in:

I'm not from Poland, can I also support this project?

Yes! You can support from any place in the world! We use “SEPA” channel, where you can donate in Euro, or you can donate in any other currency via Inny/Druczek (keep in mind extra bank fees may apply)

How can I donate?
1.Choose a perk with the correct amount of money.
a) SEPA channel (Kanał Sepa) in Euro
Choose SEPA/EuroPayments from the list of all channels, and follow the instructions.

b) International payment
1. Choose channel: Druczek płatności/ Inny bank (channel with a yellow trumpet sign)
2. When the site changes, choose English.
3. Follow the instructions.


Our rewards include something for everyone - from lovable trinkets and gadgets of sentimental value, to really unusual occasions to participate in workshops, sessions and transformations for people who want to discover and develop their artistic skills. We will start sending the awards upon our return (except for participation in the expedition and the postcards).
Did we mention that you can even go with us? We haven't?
So we do now! YOU CAN!! - Take a look at the more valuable awards :)

If you don't live in Poland, but still want to support us, let us help you by translating some perks you might be interested in:

GOŁĄB POCZTOWY (CARRIER PIGEON) 5zł ~2Euro – a 'Thank you' and the crew photo via mail.

DO WZDYCHANIA (SOMETHING TO LONG TO) – 10zł ~3Euro – 3 photos from the trip via mail

ZLOT CZAROWNIC (THE WITCHEST WITCH!) -15zł~4Euro –a 'thank you' mail and a link to the internet version of the movie

FOTO MIOTŁA! (THE WITCH-PHOTO) – 20zł ~ 5Euro - thank you mail and a link to the internet version of the movie and 3 photos via mail

TURBO FOTO MIOTŁA! (TURBO WITCH – PHOTO) – 25zł ~7Euro -thank you mail and a link to the internet version of the movie and 5 photos via mail

All the perks that we can send via regular post (coffe mugs, dvd, jewlary etc.) are also possible, if you don't live in Poland, just let us know what you need so we could add a shipping fee. To make it easier for you we've rewritten some perks you might want with the shipping fee included, here we go:

The Coffee Mug with the photo from our trip, a 'thank you' mail and a link to the internet version of the movie and 5 photos via mail – above 100zł (25 Euro)

A Postcard from our trip – via snail mail, thank you mail and a link to the internet version of the movie and 5 photos via mail – Above 120zł (30 Euro)

The DVD with our movie, thank you mail and a link to the internet version of the movie and 5 photos via mail – Above 150zł (35 Euro)

The DVD, a coffee mug, thank you mail and a link to the internet version of the movie, and 5 photos via mail – Above 200zł (50Euro)

The magical artifact – we will send you an item from our trip – a rock, sand, perhaps some water from the Ice People ice valley? - it's your pick! Also thank you mail and a link to the internet version of the movie and 5 photos via mail – Above 250zł (60 Euro)

A Set of 10 printed photos from the trip, 20x30cm, Premium photo-paper – via snail mail, A thank you mail and a link to the internet version of the movie and 5 photos via mail – Above 300zł (70 Euro)

A unique locket created by polish artist, Beata Madej – choose one of a few patterns and colors, and also a photo, which you want to have behind the glass sphere. It can be your baby's photo, or a photo from our trip – or anything else – just pick!
Above 400zł (100Euro)

An album of memories – a beautiful photo album in hard cover, 40 pages, very elegant. You'll find all the best, selected photos from our trip inside!
Above 600zł (150 Euro)

POSZUKIWACZ DOLINY LUDZI LODU (THE ICE PEOPLE VALLEY RIDER) Just come with us in search of the Ice People Valley! We'll pick you up in Trondheim, and you'll travel with us trough the glaciers, valleys, to Oslo, and place where The Lind Alley is supposed to be. Then we'll take you to the airport in Oslo! (Plane tickets not included, the dates must be set according to our trip plans)
Above 5000zł (1250 Euro)

TWOJA WŁASNA SAGA (YOUR OWN SAGA) Pack your things – you're coming with us! This is going to be the adventure of your life!
We start and end in Kraków,Poland, but you can join us somewhere on the road – check our map! We'll take you with us on this 3-week-long journey! Just take something to eat, your favorite tent and a sleeping bag! Emotikon smile
10000zł (2500 Euro) – only one perk aviable!


We already do have screenplay, volumes of the Saga studied in and out, that define our route. Filming and photographic equipment, car and its preparation for the tour, booked meals. We are expierienced travellers and filmmakers, so we know exactly what to expect during this trip, and where to search to get the best pictures!
After returning we are planning to do the editing, color correction, lectures in Polish and English. We also plan to compose the music.

You can see our achievements in the fields of movie direction, music, photo, music and travel at:
- Musical group Mandragora - www.facebook.com/GrupaMandragora
- Travel Home
- www.buskers.blog.pl
- Recording Studio - www.facebook.com/voicestudiopl
- Make-up and Special Effects studio - www.facebook.com/CharakteryzacjaKrakow
Wojtek Drzyżdżyk Photography -

Our musical "Night of the Senses" is based on the traditions of Midsummer and was greatly inspired by “Saga”.


We guess that majority of our supporters wouldl be the fans of the Margit Sandemo's “Saga”, who span for 3 generations already. In Poland author's first books were published in 1982. The reprint appeared in 2015, which brought new readers.
Another type of recipients are traveling enthusiasts who, for some reasons, can not go to the north, or would like to see those unusual places and people in the film and photographs.
If you have artistic, dreamy soul and through our awards you make your own dreams come true, please do support us :)


Often we've been invited with our projects, performances and ideas to Radio Krakow, Off Radio, Radio Prism, as well as regional TV stations. We appeared at travel festivals such as Travenalia, Travelers Club “Middle-earth” / Śródziemie (Pod Baranami) and talked about music/sound journeys, photography and film. The work of our hands, voices and lenses can be found in the media. You just have to enter our names to see what we are up to :)


We are an active group of filmmakers, photographers, travelers and artists (often doing all things all together ;)) We have huge experience in creating unusual art projects, music, scenic choreographies, photography, writing and film:
- www.buskers.blog.pl and www.grupamandragora.pl
- The musical "The Sensual Night" 2008 – 2010, based on Slavic legends and books
of M.Sandemo
- Musical "Crystal Cave" in 2013 based on the threads of the Saga's "Garden of Death"
- 6000km Musical trip to Europe in 2012
- I have a dream - A man and his boat - Croatia 2014
- Wojtek Drzyżdżyk's photographic expedition from the Balkans to Scandinavia
- Legends and Fairy Tales Iceland - January 2015 (trailer):

Klaudyna Góralska - Screenwriter, founder, director, actress and singer of Mandragora (Mandrake) musical group. By profession a film critic and FX makeup artist, a graduate babysitter and creator of fairy tales - not only for children. In her free time she organizes art workshops, does sculpture, writes songs and strongly promotes animal rights, giving shelter to all in need. Iceland stole half of her heart and does not want to give up. Norway has a chance for the second half!

Krzysztof Buratyński - Musician, lector, composer, pianist, actor and singer. Photographer and cameraman, and an experienced driver on extreme slopes. He does not have free time, and if happens that it is less intense, he passionately repairs cars and everything that can not be repaired – he even invented the world's first exhaust wheel to save our car during a hard time while travelling the Round-Europe Trip.

Wojtek Drzyżdżyk - optic technician by profession, from his heart nature and ornithological photographer, and of course explorer. He knows and loves Scandinavia, and will take us to the places that are not in the guidebooks. He's a Spectrum Man, as you can see (or rather not see ) on the movie, as he's constantly on route, masked in moro net to shoot beautiful furry and feathered animals in their natural habitatat. Did we mention that he's playing the drums?


Fjordline - Thanks to our sponsor, www.fjordline.com we will make the route Hirtshals - Bergen with a modern ferry, along the picturesque fjords.

Travel Bookstore Bonobo, Kraków
Our main patronage is Bonobo Bookstore, where in the heart of the Little Market Square in Krakow we organize slide shows and meetings with travelers with great joy.
The meetings “Legends and Fairy Tales of Iceland” came all together in four events and we met with more than 2000 people. We hope that the “Footsteps of the Saga of Ice People” will encourage even more!

Thanx to our media patron Radio KiS (Culture and Art) radiokis.pl you can hear us in the air!

Editing the trailer:
Homeworld Pictures www.facebook.com/homeworldpic
voicestudio.pl www.facebook.com/voicestudiopl

Mandrake-up SFX Studio www.facebook.com/CharakteryzacjaKrakow

Krzysztof Buratyński, Klaudyna Góralska
Wojtek Drzyżdżyk, Krzysztof Buratyński, Klaudyna Góralska

Ph.: +48 607 146 439
and the above mentioned FB pages

Thank you for your support!

Model finansowania: "wszystko albo nic"

Aby otrzymać środki, projekt musi osiągnąć minimum 100% finansowania do 09.07.2015 18:06