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About the project owner

Monika Bąkowska

Monika Bąkowska

Kraków, Poland

Zazwyczaj jestem pesymistką, ale kiedy tylko wpadam na kolejny pomysł, który wydaje mi się możliwy do zrealizowania, odkrywam w sobie niespożyte pokłady OPTYMIZMU! Teraz cel obrałam niebagatelny, jest nim podróż dookoła świata i odnalezienie nowych priorytetów . Jeśli spodobał wam się mój projekt a nie jesteście w stanie mnie wesprzeć finansowo, podzielcie się nim proszę ze znajomymi marzycielami – we wspólnocie siła!


I'm usually a pessimist, but whenever I feel I have another marvelous idea that I can realize I suddenly discover great loads of OPTIMISM inside myself! Now my goal is definitely non-trivial: I plan to travel around the world and find my new priorities. If you like my project but you can't support me financially, please share it with your dreamers friends – power of community is very strong!

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Project`s team

Em De Em

Em De Em

Acapulco, Guerrero

To tak jakbym po ostrzach złotych brzytew szedł

cycki czołgi i cyborgi

535 PLN out of 20000 PLN

8 Supporters

Ended Project's goal was not reached

Funding model: "all or nothing". To receive funds this project has to reach at least 100% of it's goal before 16.03.2018.

Alone Around the Globe

About this project




Sometimes the goal of your travel is crystal clear. Yet this journey is supposed to be a journey in search of goals. In my present life I experience time of stagnation, lack of inspirations and grief from still existing mourning. I decided to make myself a "brand new start" by cleaning my apartment from unnecessary stuff – most of rewards in this campaign consist of my various belongings. I'll share them without grudge, hoping that it will create some shift in my life. I'd like this ilfe to be independent from any material things or place of living.

Half of the year 2014 I spent on travels in Nepal, Thailand, New Zealand and Japan. I financed it from recovery money after death of my mother. This travel served me as regaining forgotten will to live and this goal was gained. 


Still, I can't find a place for myself. I'm a kind of a person that is constantly looking for some changes. So when one of my friends suggested me to go travelling again, I instantly thought that it's a good idea.


However, there were still doubts, mostly of financial nature. Most of my ideas I consult with my grandma. So I did this time. After explaining it to her, my grandmother accepted my project. "You're constantly on the move", she said, "you have always been". But then she said one more thing:


I think it's reasonable. So here I am, asking for your help!

I'm an "eternal student" with six degrees on three universities; started and finished Bachelor degree from graphic Arts on Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. This beautiful field of study had taught me a lot, but didn't give me options to have a job. Currently I'm depressed and frustrated with my situation. Artistic projects I participate in from time to time doesn't give me stable situation not only for my incomes, but also for my sense of belonging to the society and being useful for it.


My dream is to create in my life some additional value – like one that would be the result of my work only.that's why what I'd love to do the most is to write, paint and travel. These three activities are usually seen as escapistic. But I assure you: only thing I'm running away from is pain and boredom of life. And I think it links us all :)


Often in my life I was able to use support offered for me from friends. I think I won't exaggerate if I write that it's just thanks to my friends' support I decided to make most of my bravest steps in life. I know we can inspire each others and I hope that it will not only last like this, but also, thanks to the campaign – and I will fight for it till the end! –I'll meet new friends, no matter if through the project itself or through my planned trip. Kind people are everywhere and I hope that in this particular moment at least one of them is reading these words :)

Prices of around-the-world tickets vary depending on many factors. Choosing my option I'll try to look for flexible one – to make sure I'm exactly there where I need to be. After all it's my dreams what it's all about! Ticket suitable to my needs is a cost of almost 2500 euros. It makes half of my budget, what is the rest about? Most of the money I plan to invest in on-land transport and accomodation I wouldn't be able to pay from my other source of income. As far as I can I'll try to work on the road, but it' s not always possible. Time when I'll need to rest will be the time when I'll need to use my reserves. Sum I plan to gather will be used also to complete my equipment of light items suiting every occasion. I also want to buy a tent and make necessary vaccinations. Thanks to this while traveling I can focus on travels, not on shopping. Last but not least part of the budget are variuos courses I'd like to attend, like learning Spanish before visiting South America.

This is my favourite part of the project! I'm very excited to present you list of my propositions. If you choose an option that includes shipping, please consider paying a bit more so I won't sacrifice part of your help just for shipping.



Among gifts you are able to choose, you can find some pieces of my art. It would be an honour for me if you choose this option, because it can show me that my art is useful and meaningful. Contact me for full list of the positions avaliable; some pieces of my collage work you can find here



Another option that I find very interesting is a conversation on Skype with detailed description of my time in the city I'm currently in – especially if you don't know me, it could be a good option to check if I'm a true person and as cool as I pretend to be ;)



For those of you that are full of ideas but lack of time, I prepared super trouper option – you can hire me for whatever (ethical) job you'd like me to do! For one week I'll do the tasks for you and later you'll receive them summed up in a form of reportage illustrated with my own photos.  Make sure you contact me before choosing this option.



If you have another idea or any question, also contact me and I'll try to find the best option as quick as I can.

More than 100% goal would be awesome news for safety of my journey! I could more often choose relaxing stay in a single room or have special reserves for unexpected events that happens more often than we plan them. If I could made 150% I would have money not only for the ticket, but also full amount required by my Grandma. Full goal will be great info, but there is no excess when planning a journey!



Funding model: "all or nothing"

To receive funds this project has to reach at least 100% of it's goal before 16.03.2018 12:12