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About the project owner

Em Martu

Em Martu


Marta Kondracka, rocznik 1988, absolwentka Socjologii i Gender Studies na UMK w Toruniu. Zainteresowania: podróże backpackerskie, autostopowe, motocyklowe, antropologia kulturowa. Sporty: longboarding, surfing, wspinaczka wysokogórska. Języki obce: angielski, hiszpański, rosyjski.

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2000 PLN out of 1500 PLN

39 Supporters

Success! Goal reached


Funding model: "all or nothing". To receive funds this project has to reach at least 100% of it's goal before 21.03.2015.

Into the dust 2015- Solo motorem dookoła Maroka!

Artykuł od

Added 18.02.2015, godz. 17:49

Funding model: "all or nothing"

To receive funds this project has to reach at least 100% of it's goal before 21.03.2015 18:06