Jestem absolwentką kulturoznawstwa, animatorką społeczności i blogerką zajmująca się tematem nowych technologii i zmiany społecznej. Od półtora roku śpiewam w zespole Niskie ciśnienie. Nieskie ciśnienie to projekt towarzysko-rozrywkowy, intertekstualny. Razem z autorem muzyki - Michałem Przerwą-Tetmajerem ( Jazzpospolita) i autorką tekstów Aleksandrą Janus, bawimy się polską piosenką eksperymentując ze słowem i dźwiękiem. Więcej na
Send message to the project`s creator11590 PLN out of 9754 PLN
128 Supporters
Success! Goal reached
Funding model: "all or nothing". To receive funds this project has to reach at least 100% of it's goal before 02.01.2016.
Funding model: "all or nothing"
To receive funds this project has to reach at least 100% of it's goal before 02.01.2016 21:09
Supported 9 other projects
Supported 9 other projects
Supported 5 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 15 other projects
Supported 337 other projects
Supported 3 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 46 other projects
Supported 5 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 10 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 2 other projects
Supported 4 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 3 other projects
Supported 2 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 118 other projects
Supported 40 other projects
Supported 65 other projects
Supported 4 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 5 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 6 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 39 other projects
Supported 11 other projects
Supported 2 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 26 other projects
Supported 4 other projects
Supported 2 other projects
Supported 2 other projects
Supported 3 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 5 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 2 other projects
Supported 2 other projects
Supported 5 other projects
Supported 3 other projects
Supported 2 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 5 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 258 other projects
Supported 9 other projects
Supported 1 other projects
Supported 2 other projects
Supported 2 other projects