Piszą o nas!
Added 25.08.2014, godz. 17:07http://foch.pl/foch/1,132368,16525157,Pani_z_miasta_i_karpackie_kozy___wywiad_z_Jolanta.html
Jola z Jolinkowa – gospodyni na 730 m npm. Ogrodniczka i pasjonatka zwierząt, „twarda babka” o miękkim sercu. Jolinkowo to jej dom i takie magiczne miejsce gdzie diabeł mówi dobranoc, a o poranku słychać meczenie kóz i gdakanie kur, gdzie na gości czeka jeszcze ciepły kozi ser i mleko, swojskie jajka, gdzie pachnie świeżo upieczonym chlebem, a na hamaku zapomina się o całym świecie...
Jola from Jolinkowo – a hostess at 730 meters above sea level. A gardener and an animal lover, a tough cookie with a heart of gold. Jolinkowo it’s her home and she made it a magic haven in a middle of nowhere. Here’s where you wake up to the bleating of the goats and the cackle of the hens in the morning, where the guests can taste the fresh goat cheese and goat milk for breakfast, the farm eggs, where you can smell the bread fresh from the oven and you lay in a hammock and forget about the rest of the world...
25905 PLN out of 25000 PLN
212 Supporters
Success! Goal reached
Funding model: "all or nothing". To receive funds this project has to reach at least 100% of it's goal before 29.08.2014.
Funding model: "all or nothing"
To receive funds this project has to reach at least 100% of it's goal before 29.08.2014 18:06