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About the project owner




Przewodniczący RedFox Development Group, Właściciel i Programista serwisów Sworker i Your Inspiration oraz sieci RedFox Network, Kierownik i Iniciator projektów Work from Inspirations i RedBeta oraz spotkań RedOpen.

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36 PLN out of 1200 PLN

2 Supporters

Ended Project's goal was not reached

Funding model: "flexible funding". Project Creator will receive all the funds even if the project does not reach it's goal. Project ends at 18.04.2019.

Work from Inspirations


Added 28.09.2019, godz. 9:55

Zostaliśmy nominowani do nagród Złotego Wilka Zwolnionych z Teorii 2019. Dziękujemy za wszelkie wspacie!

Funding model: "flexible funding"

Project Creator will receive all the funds even if the project does not reach it's goal. Project ends at 18.04.2019 22:10