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About the project owner



Poznań, Polska

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10220 PLN out of 97000 PLN

55 Supporters

Ended Project's goal was not reached


Funding model: "all or nothing". To receive funds this project has to reach at least 100% of it's goal before 18.10.2017.


Cabrio Pietryga Partnerem CABRIO MAGAZYN!

Added 04.10.2017, godz. 15:11

Cabrio Pietryga, czyli akcesoria dedykowane cabrioleciarzom, Partnerem naszej kampanii CABRIO MAGAZYN na Polak Potrafi. Wesprzyjcie nasz projekt kwotą 350 zł i odbierzcie voucher na windshot o wartości 450 zł. Mamy tylko 3 takie nagrody! Kto pierwszy, ten lepszy! :) 

Funding model: "all or nothing"

To receive funds this project has to reach at least 100% of it's goal before 18.10.2017 18:06