There are no supports for this project. BE THE FIRST ONE!
26 lat, urodzony w Świdniku. Absolwent Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego w Krakowie. Magister Wychowania Fizycznego.
Zawodnik trialu rowerowego od 18 lat. Aktualnie trener personalny w Warszawie.
Tel: 503 010 717
22855 PLN out of 22000 PLN
207 Supporters
Success! Goal reached
Funding model: "all or nothing". To receive funds this project has to reach at least 100% of it's goal before 04.01.2014.
There are no supports for this project. BE THE FIRST ONE!
Funding model: "all or nothing"
To receive funds this project has to reach at least 100% of it's goal before 04.01.2014 18:06