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About the project owner

Jakub Pniewski

Jakub Pniewski

Toruń, Polska

O sobie:
Pracownik korporacji majacy doświadczenie w pracy z klientem oraz programami typu start-up, chcący otworzyć własny biznes.

Fantastyka polska, mitologia słowian.

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577 PLN out of 48000 PLN

8 Supporters

Ended Project's goal was not reached

Funding model: "all or nothing". To receive funds this project has to reach at least 100% of it's goal before 24.03.2017.

Velesia - odzież w klimacie mitologii słowiańskiej


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Funding model: "all or nothing"

To receive funds this project has to reach at least 100% of it's goal before 24.03.2017 13:01